Time To Evolve?

Seasonal change provides renewed focus. With the New Year now settled in and day-lit hours gently lengthening their stride, it’s a good time to think about how you’re doing. Checking in on life; am I good, are things going well? Small changes or big new ideas. It gets us thinking; what do we like, what could we do better and what we can leave behind?

In a similar way, it's a good time to reflect on your business. Moments of change can be an opportunity to re-evaluate. The New Year offers a moment to reflect on the well-being of your brand. Are you happy with your marketing efforts or have your campaigns left you feeling flat? Is your message getting lost amongst the noise of your competitors? Do you want to change how your brand, business or services are being perceived - yes? Then, Viva la Evolution!

Leon C. Megginson a Louisiana Professor astutely said “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” When thinking of successful brands it's not just about seeing where they are now, but reflecting on their evolution.

As we all know, change is inevitable; it can come from our own desire for improvement or it can be forced upon us. It can be daunting, draining and at times difficult but it can also be exhilarating, rewarding and empowering. We've seen some exciting new changes taking place in our photography studio this last year, not just from our own clients but ourselves included (check out our new website if you haven't already!). We've photographed new and updated concepts for e-commerce and web images, alongside shooting and editing new video projects. Our clients are innovating, adapting and evolving to build and grow their audiences.

Perhaps it's time for you to check in and review, be honest about where your business is now and where you'd like it to go. Is it time to give your image and video content a fresh new look and feel? One way to reflect on your brand is to think of them as a person. Who they are, what hobbies do they have; are they relaxed and easy going or professional and business-like? Most importantly you need to ask yourself, is this the person you want representing your business?

The buzz word for 2020 is Personalised Engagement. Using social media, website and video content to reach your customers with authentic and personable messages. Connecting who you are and what you do to the right audiences. Marketing content and strategies to meet a rapidly changing digital age.

“You’re no longer marketing AT people. You’re influencing them in an environment where they’ve already had a chance to form a view.” —Kristin Lemkau, CMO, JPMorgan Chase.

With sustained and projected growth in digital avenues of mobile, social media and e-commerce; new marketing challenges are looming. Is it now time to ask yourself, how are you going to 'best manage change'?

And so, whilst the new Madonna-esq revamped image, health and fitness regime hasn't quite materialised, it's a good time to reflect and make positive changes. A little bit of self-care goes a long way. Keeping life and business on track and in a positive direction. Change is inevitable and when we evolve, we grow.

Are you ready for change? Start small or think big; if you're looking for commercial photography inspiration come and talk to PRODOTO. Creating engaging content and on-brand imagery is what we do best.

Let's do this together

You’re excited, we’re excited - let’s make this happen!

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