Building Tranquil Spaces For Lifestyle Photography

Our long-standing client, Grahame Gardner, spoke to us about lifestyle photography to make their website imagery more immersive. The idea was to use a spa set with models that would show off their workwear range.

Representing Brand Values

Grahame Gardner provides workwear garments across a number of sectors and boasts one of the largest ranges in the UK.

The clothing brand is passionate about helping their consumers feel comfortable and confident at work. We wanted to help them represent this in their imagery for their spa and beauty range.

We'd undertaken a number of workwear shoots for Grahame Gardner before, however commissioning a set build was a first for their team. To ensure our production process led to the desired creative outcomes, we consulted with them every step of the way.


The photo shoot was to include two sets plus two models to achieve 21 high quality final images.

A mood board was provided to us at an early stage to inform creative decisions throughout the project. This gave our team and stylist clear direction for the set design and choice of props.

Grahame Gardner wanted to incorporate a modern spa reception and treatment room that evoked wellness and a sense of calm - a familiar setting for the core customer base.

The plan was for the visuals to be used on the Grahame Gardner website, featuring as hero images which would immediately connect with customers looking to purchase spa and beauty workwear.

An Efficient Set Design And Use Of Props

With a mood board setting the creative direction, we introduced a stylist to work with us on drawing up the plans for the 12ft by 10ft sets for both the treatment room and the reception area.

Maintaining the desired high-end spa aesthetic whilst keeping costs down was the goal, and our team got creative with the solutions. We used a floating wall for the reception area, which once removed would become the treatment room - we created two sets in one!

Initial sketches evolved into complete designs with measurements, specific props, colours and textures. Every detail was considered in the preparation which required collaboration between our set designers, stylist, photographers, and production managers.

We continued the cost savings by using vinyl wraps and wallpapers that achieved certain textures such as marble and wooden slats. Our team built several elements of the set, including an oak-coloured treatment bed along with a reception desk featuring two complementary textures that provided a contemporary look. We also added LED strip lighting to create specific glows around wall features and within the inset shelving.

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The two sets looked stunning and incredibly realistic, perfectly capturing the ambiance we aimed for.

Gemma Kee, Digital Media and Marketing Coordinator

Lifestyle Modelling

We worked alongside Grahame Gardner to select models that would represent the brand most effectively. With the large amount of work gone into building a life-like set, their role was vital in continuing the realism.

Our expert photographers worked with the chosen models to achieve the range of shots that were required. With two models being used, and many of the shots depicting an interaction, we made sure they felt comfortable with the concept. The aim was to have their expressions and poses look natural within the set.

A Final Treatment

After all the preparation and work on the shoot, it was over to our post-production team to finish the job. The images had come a long way from the initial sketches and mood boards that started the project.

The final photos capture everything Grahame Gardner wanted to achieve. We were proud of how we delivered on this exciting brief, and could give ourselves time to relax after the excellent end results.

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We had an amazing photo shoot with Prodoto. Despite not being able to attend in person, the team fully grasped our vision right from the start. The team were proactive in sending us images for review throughout the process, ensuring we were on the same page every step of the way.

Gemma Kee, Digital Media and Marketing Coordinator

Concept To Final Images

From the initial sketches, it's extremely satisfying to see the final photographs from both sets.

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The final results were exactly what we had envisioned for our beauty and spa workwear shoot. The team took our brief and absolutely nailed it, delivering final images that reflected the precise look and feel we wanted. Our workwear was showcased beautifully in the beauty and spa setting, surpassing our expectations. We couldn't be happier with the outcome and highly recommend Prodoto for their professionalism and creativity.

Gemma Kee, Digital Media and Marketing Coordinator

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You can find out more about Grahame Gardner on their website.

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