Behind The Scenes
An often light-hearted look at what happens on our shoots, from behind the camera.
Our Lighting Set Up For Altura Cycling Wear
Learn about our lighting set up from this one day model shoot for Altura's men's cycling jersey range.
Shooting Video And Stills With The CDA Group
Our Director Will takes a look at the behind-the-scenes action on a video and stills shoot.
Our Team Achieve The Perfect Pour
There's always a some excitement bubbling around when our team have a creative shoot in the schedule, and this time was no different.
Product Image Creation Using Virtual Production
It’s possible to create realistic backgrounds for images using digital techniques – here we’re talking about virtual production.
Creating Different Video Styles In A Kitchen Set
Our team take you behind the scenes on a kitchen set where they're shooting two completely different videos.
Bringing Interiors To Life
Going behind the scenes on a lifestyle shoot to give a glimpse of the process behind the glamorous end results.